Learning Russian / Day 9

I have started to learn Cyrillic alphhabet. I realized I can easily remember some words, but that there are some words not coming into my mind at all. I can easily remember Д and ё because I thought they are similar to D and e. I think it important to relate a new thing to something faniliar to me when I learn language.

Learning Russian / Day 6

It was the second time to use Drops, and I learned some new words related to food and two verbs. each of the verbs consists of two words. At first I thought it meant “to verb” , but probably it didn’t. I don’t know what it is now, but it may be clear after I learn more verbs. I could understand what my teacher said: this app is the application of Noticing.

A little Princess

Although I’ve heard that A little Princess is a famous fairy tale, I hadn’t read it, so I tried this book.

This is a story about a girl whose family is rich, but suddenly become poor because of her father’s failure of his business. That changes her life badly. ( This work talk about bullying) Hoyever, she is so strong that she keep going forward. I would’t be able to do it. I want to be strong like her.

This book is for children, but it’s interesting to adults. It include important ideas and serious problems that we need to be consciosus of.